(Nurma Fitriani/08004406/VI)

The students of University are the persons who have already attended the school for about 12 years. From Elementary to High School, they have learned about something which didn’t have any big difference to each other. For example, the material they got in Senior High School is an elaboration of the material they got in Junior High School. Essentially, High School expects the students to concern about their academic more than the others. Then, the similarity between High School and University is about the extracurricular activity outside the class. What makes the difference is that, in my opinion, the students of University are not expected to concern about their academic much more than the activity which the University expects the students to follow. Same matter as the students of English Education Study Program (PBI) in Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD). The University has already motivated the students to join in organizations or extracurricular activities. But it is not completely successful because the University, especially the PBI staff, found difficulties and problems in running the efforts.

The majority of the Ahmad Dahlan University students are coming from Teacher Training and Education Faculty or known as FKIP. PBI is one of seven Study Programs that included in this faculty. The number of PBI students is more than the number of other Study Program students. This number of the students is sometime become the reason why it’s hard to direct the students to improve their skill maximally instead of studying crazily. Here, we can conclude that PBI has already been led in the quantity. But, should we, as the PBI students, just proud of the leading in this major number of quantity? What about the quality?

According to the existence, the students of UAD, including the students of PBI itself, are divided in two majors. The first is the students who don’t care about everything happened around them in the university. They are usually just able to look for the weakness of PBI and also judge if PBI doing some mistakes. These students are kind of spoiled students because actually they just want to be served well by PBI staff without giving any feedback. For example, when PBI was given ‘C’ for its accreditation, these students only judged without giving any solution. In fact, one of the reasons for the accreditation is that considering whether the students active in organization and any activities or not. They are obviously hard to find in organization or activity in campus because they might be not interested in it. In fact, the university has been providing many activities for the students to join through UKM, IMM, EDSA, and so on.

Actually, through UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa), the students of PBI who have skill in non-academic ability can join in this activity. UKM in UAD itself consists of some different activities divided in sport, culture, journalism, broadcasting, and music. From these activities, only very several students are interested and joined. On the other hand, several students have joined in Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM), which is an autonomy organization concerning in the students movements. Both of UKM and IMM didn’t give any selection for the student who wants to join in, except for several UKM activities. Unfortunately, even without any selection, the students are still minded just to join in these activities.

In this case, the students can’t blame PBI staff entirely, because actually the students have been being given a chance to let them choose what activity appropriated to them. The staff also suggests them to sign or attend in EDSA’s programs. Well, EDSA or English Department Student Program is a Study Program organization which is organized by the students of PBI who have been passed the selection test. This organization can be a mediator between the PBI staff and the students of PBI. By cooperating with this mediator, the PBI staff will know what exactly needed and wanted by the students in this university.

The second major of PBI students is coming from the students who are usually active in the organization or activities in campus outside the class. They commonly spend their time in campus most because they have responsibility to manage or organize the activity they join in. This kind of students tends to serve the university sincerely and feel fun for it. They’d also like to be active following competition around them. Here, the most important thing to do is they are must be appreciated and facilitated first. Who is supposed to appreciate them? I believe that all of the elements in this university should give appreciation for the students who have done a good achievement which can make the University better and better.

Simple appreciation or regard is really meaningful for the students. They will feel that they have done something good in their life and it make them feel that they are not useless for having studying in this university. The people around the students can simply started by saying “congratulation”, “good job”, or saying it in Bahasa of course. The people also can ask them how they made it well. By getting such kind of appreciation, the students will have more confidence to do better and also have motivation to make new achievement in their life.

To make PBI leading in quality is quite simple. The students just need to practice all they got in the class and bring it up to outside the class or campus. It means that it is meaningless if the students just practice their skill in the class to get good score for the lessons, because the other students will not know about their ability well. The students should compete and show their ability to other students in the different faculty, different university, and it can be in the different country.

In my opinion, the most English skills being competed are about speaking and writing. In speaking, the students can join in English debate or speech competition. They also can show their ability in writing through paper or essay competition. By having such kind of competition, means that the students have already practiced all they got in the class clearly and found the purpose of their English learning in the real world around them. But, beside because of the minimum students interested to compete, the matter is also coming from the lecture. Here, the lecture also has the important role in motivating students, because honestly, the student is the person who’s definitely always needs to be motivated.

In my opinion, this is not the time to concern about how many students who expected to join in the activities or becomes active in an organization anymore, but it is the time to enrich the student who’d like to change better and wants to improve their skill more and more. It’s just like an Islamic concept which believe that it’s not about how many Muslim spreading in this world anymore, but it’s about they can make Muslim becomes Mukmin (a Muslim who has strong religious side), which can make Islam becomes a strong faith. With the number of PBI students, it’s impossible to make all of them having awareness to be active in the organization or campus activity, but the PBI staff can concern to the second major one, which is the students who has strong-willingness to create achievements more and more, because actually this kind of students can be a landmark for PBI. In short, we have already known that everything that becomes landmark in this world, always becomes the centre of human thought, same matter as this kind of PBI students who can influence the students from other Study Programs in FKIP, even in Ahmad Dahlan University.

hadeewwhh....gini nih kalo kudu berjuang sendirian! palagi kalo kita baru pertama kali mencoba sesuatu yang belum pernah kita coba sebelumnya,, yaa kaya debat ini, iya debat, pake bahasa inggris pula...bkin lidah belibet aja!

duh, bentar deh, aku tak nge-blog dulu bentar, gile aje nihh...dah hampir 2minggu gak ngeblog! blogger macam apa aku ni?? iyaa...iyaaa...bis ini lanjutin lagi cari sumber2 wat debatnya! tapi gilaa aja ni kudu nyari sumber wat 10 motion alias tema wat debat besok. iya besok! sampe kriting nih otak! haasshh...kalo bukan karena PBI dan Pak Abbas....tapi gak pa2lah! itung2 nambah pengalaman, bukankah itu memang kesukaanku: melakukan hal2 baru dalam hidupku?? hmmm...benar2 pilihat yang tepat sekaligus pilihan yang menyiksa!

lhhaa...bagaimana gk menyiksa, aku n kelompokku baru kali ini kut debat. sebelumnya mana pernah, paling itu tuh si Resty pernah jadi LO (kepanjangannya apa yak??lupa) pokoknya, keren banget tuh namanya, aslinya ya cuma jadi timer debat aja. eh! tapi lumayan tuh udah dapet pengetahuan tentang gimana caranya debat yang baik dan benar, ya thoo?? lah aku?? liat orang debat aja gak pernah! eh! pernah tuh, cuma sekelibatan tok! kebangetan deh!

sebenernya dah ngantuk juga nih, pengen cepet2 nyusul Fanny ma Resty yang dah mimpi duluan! helllooooo.....malah do turu kiy piye thoo?? durung do rampung kan mbahas motion2e??? haaaiisshh...kalo bukan karena keinget manteranya novel Negeri 5 Menara, mungkin aku bener2 udah menyerah dengan keadaan mataku yang semakin kritis dan tinggal segaris! yeah! bener2 mantera yang sangat ampuh: man jadaa wajadaa...siapa yang bersungguh2 akan berhasil! semoga usahaku ini tidak sia2 ya Allah...amieen....

berhasil tu maksudnya menang, gitu??
hmm...enggak...insyallah niat kita ikut lomba ini bukan untuk sekedar memperoleh kemenangan mengalahkan peserta yang lain, tapi kemenangan batin, yaitu kemenangan melawan rasa takut, rasa tidak percaya diri, rasa malu, dan rasa minder untuk ngomong bahasa inggris di depan orang. yap! itu dia!

yaah..semoga temen2 kelasku juga mengerti apa yang sebenernya aku inginkan. hmm...maksudnya??

haha...yaaa...jadi gini, lomba debat ini adalah lomba kompetisi antar kelas. jadi setiap kelas seharusnya diwajibkan mengirimkan perwakilan kelasnya untuk ikut berkompetisi dalam debat dan acara lomba yang lainnya. so, setiap kelas otomatis ada koordinatornya masing2. nah, masalahnya, koordinator kelasku sepertinya tidak begitu menyampaikan amanahnya dengan benar! (siapa koordinatornya aja aku gak tau!). tau2 udah dibentuk siapa saja yang mau mewakili lomba debat, tanpa sepengetahuan kelas! maen pilih2 aja tuh orang?? yaudahlah ambruk sudah kesempatanku untuk ikut lomba debat ini, kelasku udah ada yang mewakili, dan aku tidak termasuk dalam salah satu orang yang mewakili kelasku. jujur, sebenernya aku sakit ati juga, yaa...bayangin aja, dari dulu aku pgen nyoba ngrasain gimana rasanya debat, tau kalo ada lomba antar kelas aku seneng banget! tapii....

haaasshhh...sudahlah, toh pada akhirnya aku bisa ikut lomba debat juga. hoh?? kok bisa???
bisaa nho...tapi kudu jadi penghianat kelas dulu wat bisa ikut debat ini. yaa...soalnya aku ikut mewakili kelas lain cuy, kelas H. jadi, anak2 kelas H tuh gak pada bisa ikut soalnya mereka lebih memilih untuk ikut kegiatan seminar diluar kampus, dan waktunya bertepatan ma lomba debat ini. hmm...sebenernya gak semua anak kelas H ikut seminarnya sih, tapi sisanya tu emang gak pada mau kut lomba debatnya. ALHASIL! Fanny menemukanku dengan keadaan terpuruk tak berdaya dan akhinya aku berterus terang padanya:

aku: aku sakjane sebel je, masa kelasku ra ngomong2 nek wes do milih cah2 nggo lomba debat, padahal aku kan pgen melu juga...

fanny: hah! yawes Pit, melu kelasku wae piye???

ohh...jalan itu sepertinya terbuka lebar ketika aku dengan jujur mengutarakan segala keresahan hatiku padanya. hmm... satu pelajaran penting bagiku, JANGAN REMEHKAN CURHAT teman!! apapun masalahmu, ketika kau mempercayakan ceritamu pada orang lain, saat itu juga kau tak pernha tau bahwa mungkin Tuhanmu akan memberikan jalan padamu melalui temanmu...subhanallah......

hmm...kok malah gak ngantuk yah??!!
hee...soalnya headset di telingaku ini sedang mendendangkan lagu2 india favoritku, jadilah sekarang aku membayangkan betapa semangatnya orang2 india menari di setiap lagu2 dan film2nya,, membuat mataku terbuka dan ingin rasanya menari2 lincah seperti mereka! yiaaaaakkkkkkkkk..........!!!!!!
apa enaknya tanggal muda???
haaa...kayaknya semua orang dah tau jawabannya yaahh...hoho

tapi berapapun jumlah uang yang Ibu kirimkan ke aku, tetep gak bakalan bisa wat beli MOBIL IMPIANKU...huhu...eeee....gak da salahnya tho mimpi punya mobil?? masa dari dulu cuma mimpi dikejar2 kuntilanak terus, udah gitu susah larinya pula! sekali2 ganti doongg....


tapi beneran lhoh, dari dulu aku ngimpi banget pengen punya mobil yang mungil, imut, unik, cantik, dan tua! hoho...kalo cuma av*nza, c*rry, k*jang, h*nda j*zz , haaaaa....itu mah biaasaaa...(hihihi...kalo dikasih ya gak nolak), btw ada yang lebih kereeeeenn dari itu! mo tau??

well, here are THE EXTREMELY UNIQUE CAR EVER for me!

NAH! I am pretty sure, all you know this car very much, ya tho?? YAP! that's Mr. Bean car! (lha itu juga ada tulisannya?). well, do you like watching Mr. Bean episode or movie?? yeah, that thing is never separated from his life, off course beside his cute friend, Teddy. this car was also appeared in some episode of 'Mr. Bean', such as The Curse of Mr. Bean and Back to School Mr. Bean". I never watch him use another car instead of this and I hope he will never change his car, cause actually that car has been becoming one of Mr. Bean's uniqueness, right??

well, the car used in Mr. Bean was one of British Leyland Mini 1000. we can also another car with different types and colors...like these,

hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.........nambah bikin makin ngiler aja ni mobil! tapi mobil dimana2 kalo semakin tua atau semakin antik, harganya semakin mahaaall cuuyy,, apalagi kalo desainnya unik! beuuhh...dijamin pengoleksi mobil bakal mburu mobil kayak gini jugaaa...harganya juga gak nanggung2 cuy!
-------------- £ 1,870 -------------
nah lhoh! diitung ke kurs Rupiah jadi berapa tuh?? (haaa....maaf ya, aku gak mau ngitung, itu akan menyakitkan sekali untukku...ouch). tapi ni mobil emang akan tetap menjadi mobil impian nomer satuku cuy, mobil imut, cocok banget ma nak imut kayak aku, hhe. hmm...bentuknya itu lhooo....imuuuutt banget!! bayangin aja, kalo mo nyalip tinggal shet shet sheett...yang lain semakin ketinggalan! uups! haha...gak perlu susah2 nyari lahan buat parkir juga, disakuin aja juga bisa itu...haha...

bisa gak ya kira2??

well, actually, I have THE SECOND DREAMING CAR, Smart Fortwo! this is for alternative if I couldn't find British Leyland Mini 1000 anymore. wanna see?? This is it!
you can call this egoistic car if you want, or it can be a romantic car?? hmm...whatever, because actually this car definitely just has 2 seats, including the driver's seat, wuuu...it's match for one couple of love huh?? (yiiaaaakkk....). different from the previous car, this car is just new release now. look at the car! so stylish and modish. don't worry guys, you can still put your goods behind the seat. But yeaahh...I think this car is specially designed for the person who likes to bring several goods with them. This car also has another types and colors...cedikot...eh cekidoot..!!

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............nambah bikin ngiler aja tuuuuuuu......!!!
tapi kalo inget harga yaa...jadi lemes juga sih, sekitar 100 - 200 jutaan! yaa...walopun katanya itu termasuk murah (gile aje lu?? jual d*ri juga kayaknya gak nyampe segitu kalee...!!! haaa...). lama2 bisa gila nih aku, mantengin mobil2 bening kayak gitu, buat nyervis motor aja kadang mikir2 dulu! haaiiikkkhh....

huft, sekarang apa yang harus aku lakukan??
adakah yang mau memberikan padaku secara cuma2???
"eh, Puteri Indonesia yang sekarang tu gak bisa ngomong pake bahasa Indonesia ya??"

yeah, itu adalah pertanyaan dari salah satu temanku yang kemudian menjadi bahan obrolan kami kemaren malam. Setauku sih Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames emang agak sulit ngomong pake bahasa indonesia, tapi itu dulu waktu dia maen sinetron bareng Samuel Zylgwyn, tapi kalo sekarang sih gak tau. Sebenernya kemaren aku juga sempet liat pemilihan Puteri Indonesia, tapi kayaknya sih dia lebih sering ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris ketimbang pake bahasa Indonesia. saat menjawab pertanyaan juri pake bahasa Indonesia, dia juga terlihat belibet ngomongnya. hmmm...menurutmu wajar gak sih kalo seorang Puteri Indonesia gak bisa ngomong pake bahasa nasionalnya sendiri??

agak ironis sih memang...

tapi jurinya beralasan kalo sebenernya mereka gak mau kejadian Miss Universe sebelumnya terulang lagi (bahasaku angel bgt yo??). jadi gini, puteri Indonesia sebelum Nadine Alexandra, yaitu mbak Qory Sandioriva (bener ra yo jenenge?? leeehh salahe nggawe jeneng angel banget), dia sedikit mempermalukan Indonesia gara2 gak sa ngomong bahasa Inggris dengan lancar, gile ajee luu...ajang internasional masih gak sa ngomong pake bahasa inggris dengan lancaaarr....begitulah kira2. So, diharapkan puteri Indonesia kali itu, bisa ngomong bahasa bule dengan lancar, dan terpiliiihlaaaahhh...Mbak..eh Dek Nadine Alexandra....(umurnye ru mo 20 bulan Mei tar cuuuyy...).

jadi bingung nih, sebenernya seorang Puteri Indonesia harus lebih megutamakan yang mana?? mengenalkan Bahasa Indonesia ke luar, atau menguasai bahasa luar???
well, ewellewell...mending ngomong pake bahasa NGAPAK yok cuuuuyyy...!!!
About NGAPAKese...
anyway, Ngapak is one of Javanese Dialects. Javanese itself has many dialects spread in Java, such as, Krama (krama ngoko, alus, inggil), Jogja java, Solo java, etc, including Ngapak itself. I myself still confused to distinguish which is the original Ngapak because actually some people talk using Ngapak in the different way. for example, people from Tegal town use Ngapak which more accentuation than people from Kebumen, Wonosobo, or Pemalang. same as people from Banjarnegara, which almost all of the pronounce end in 'a', in fact, Jogja java always pronounce in '0' though the word ends in a.

sopo - sapa (siapa/who)
sego - sega (nasi/rice)
dino - dina (hari/day)

well, because I lack of my linguistic knowledge, so I don't wanna talk more about Ngapak from the linguistic aspect. he...(daripada tar malah menyesatkan, ya tho??tho yaa...). Let's talk about Ngapak from the social aspect yoookk....

actually, Jogja now consists of many people from Ngapak town, Tegal, Pemalang, Brebes, Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, and Kebumen, (adakah yang belum disebutkan??), but it's so several people who use ngapak here. yeah, many people decided to hide their Ngapak and prefer to speak Bahasa Indonesia to their friends. they are maybe shy to speak Ngapak. That's because Ngapak is a funny dialect, people think. it's really strange and tend to be ridiculous in the ears when people listen to the Ngapak dialect. Compared to Jogja java, Ngapak is weirder to listen.

haiiisshh...I think it's subjective and common. Chinese think that their dialect is okay, but when I listen to their dialect, it seems so weird and make me laugh honestly. who know another people think that our Indonesian dialect is also weird in their ears, right?? why don't we forget about our shyness to speak Ngapak?? hey! there is nothing wrong when we use Ngapak well, it is different from when we use rough word then we are supposed to be shy because of it!

I have some friends who have Ngapak dialect strongly. even when they speak Bahasa Indonesia, their dialect is still ngapak. yeah, it IS funny, but I think it is amusing, interesting, and becomes special. it's really totally extremely stupid when someone hates another people because of speaking Ngapak. hey, it's all about the diversity in our Nation which has to be kept, okay???!! (daripada tar diklaim ma yang lain, hayooo???)


(deneng kadi puteri indonesia tekane ngapak???)
“Sesungguhnya bagi Allah apa yang Dia ambil dan bagi-Nya pula apa yang Dia berikan. Segala sesuatu bagi-Nya ada memiliki masa-masa yang telah ditetapkan, hendaklah kamu bersabar dan mohon pahala (dari Allah)“ (HR Bukhari)

God, if the news is true, about the death of Osama Bin Laden, then please...take him in the best place of Yours...beside You.
You are the Only One who knows the truth...
You knows his efforts keeping Your Faith...
You saw his spirit against Your enemies, friends of the devil.

You are the Only One who knows...

He fight against the people who want to broke Your Faith
He's sincerely giving his life to show the truth,
He never minded to save Your faith
till the last of his breath...
do you watch news recently? what the news tells about?? yeah...most of its tell about the death of Osama Bin Laden. It started by the statement of the President of United States, barrack obama. He emphasized that the news is true, that Osama was killed by the special US army. when people know about this news, they were directly happy, especially Americans, who felt extremely sad and angry because of WTC tragedy in 11 September 2001.

Maybe this is the reason why people began to hate ISLAM, because they only known that the terrorist behind this tragedy was a moeslem. Then they considered ISLAM as a terrorist faith. every terror or bombardment happen in a country, they relate it to the islamic people. Islam is a wrong faith, they think. Yeah...they really hate Islam, they broke everything relating to Islam, they step on Al-Quran, they burned Al-Quran, they rape Moeslima, they made a caricature of the Prophet of Mohammed, and another defamation or harassment to wreak their disgust on Islam.

People gave strong reaction about it, especially Moeslem in around the world. So, what were you doing when the people were criticizing this case by an extremely anger demo?? you...visiting a tourism place?? crying of broken-hearted?? considering your IP?? Confusing about having no boy/girlfriend?? or Praying for this crime? as a Moeslem, and a person with a heart, how's your feeling about it?

we can't be as perfect as Prophet Mohammed, he maybe won't give reaction as strong as them. he might be calm responding to the case, though actually he's really angry about it. but they are a usual person, who can't hold the emotion well, as well as the Prophet.

Islam and terrorist...

you know what, it's all about backbiting! I hope. you've heard about the news, said that Osama and his friends were surely doing this terror, wracking the WTC building, and so on. you've heard about this in every news on TV. even moeslem hate what have been done by Osama and the people behind him. do you really believe in this news? did you really directly judge that Osama is the people behind this terror??

hmm...I think you should hear another news. please, don't just watch the news on TV, most of tv media are under American power, including media in Indonesia. they might know, but they might be too scared just to tell this truth...POOR!!!
Better you read this site...

well, actually, some people think that it's not a moeslem who wreak the WTC building, but it's American itself! they made it as if a moeslem who did this. They made it because they want the people hate Islam. they want people disgusted on Islam. they want people against Islam. cause the truth is they are really afraid of Islam. yeah...they are extremely scared about Islam. Have you ever heard that Islam will be glorious and victorious someday?? that's true. It's written in Al-Qur'an.

"Dan Allah telah berjanji kepada orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh bahwa Dia sungguh-sungguh akan menjadikan mereka berkuasa dimuka bumi, sebagaimana Dia telah menjadikan orang-orang sebelum mereka berkuasa, dan sungguh Dia akan meneguhkan bagi mereka agama yang telah diridhai-Nya untuk mereka, dan Dia benar-benar akan menukar (keadaan) mereka, sesudah mereka dalam ketakutan menjadi aman sentausa. Mereka tetap menyembahku-Ku dengan tiada mempersekutukan sesuatu apapun dengan Aku. Dan barangsiapa yang (tetap) kafir sesudah (janji) itu, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik." ( Annur : 55).

see another verses here.

isn't it ridiculous huh??
they are non-Moeslem, they hate Islam, they have another faith, then why they have to be scared about one of Islamic verse, if they think that Islam is not a true faith???
eeee...jangan salah! ini masih mending, daripada calon presiden yang satunya yang katanya lebih terang2an membenci dan siap melawan islam, presiden yang sekarang...mmm...yaa sama aja sih, cuma maen belakang! hohohoho...
eh! kita ngomongin presiden yang mana tho??? :mThinking:
yaaa...presiden Am*rika lah! walopun sebenernya sama aja, presiden yang disini sama yang disana...Ups!

haaaaasshh...sudahlah, laen crita! huhuhu
hmm...(istighfar Pit!) yayayaaaa.....

well, hmm...actually many things we think it's true, but in fact, it's wrong. when we think it's wrong, it's might be true. Hope we can have a good leader, a leader who's afraid of nothing, except Allah SWT. Amieeennn....

so, what do you think who's supposed to be died???

Only Him Who knows the truth....

hash...sorry for not posting in this blog anymore. actually, I have no interesting latest story to share. I am home, not visiting interesting place in Jogja for this time, cause I am on mid-exam right now (though, still, I don't study hard for it...hehe). hmm...what is it? I am just lazy to manage my words to post something nice in this blog.

hey, look at my work! it is unfinished yet! in fact, I still have some order of felt that I have to make it done! haasshh...I hope they know that I won't do it maximally cause nevertheless I want to study hard...yeah! you should believe me! I don't tell a lie! but....he...the problem is that...mmm....I don't have any material to study...GLEK!
you know what? I never took a note for the lessons during the class, well. I was always lazy just to note whatever the lectures said to us! even sometimes I didn't know what have been studied before. oh come on...I am a forgetful person, (but not for receivables! hee...)
:mDuit: receivables = piutang...

haaaa...forget it!

but all in all, whatever the mark I get for my study, I don't really care about it...you know...in this life there is something more important just to get a good mark for your study. you think, for what we have to study from elementary school to university?? I am sure, the message behind it is, in order to we can practice the knowledge we got from it well...to our neighbors, to the people around us, to our friends that cannot study as higher as us, to the societies...

I wanna share to you about the people in my class.
well, there is a smart student in my class, she never absent, she is active enough in the class, she is a hard-learner, she wants everything well-done, perfect! including the presence. yeah...actually, from my friend's story, she have ever absent for one lesson. my friend met her not attending the class. but you know what...I think she commanded her FAITHFUL friend to sign for her presence! of course! like what I have said to you before, she wants her presence perfect! including for the last meeting of the lesson....
isn't it DISGUSTING huh???:mPanas:
then, actually, it has been habit for almost all of the students in the class, or it can be in entire classes, ish. well, you have to know the most disgusting thing happen my the class....signing for friends who can't attend the class...(uhh...I really wanna throw up!). well, some students have a good side on my eyes, but because of this thing, that good side is disappeared so fast. what can I do next?? hmm....I just note them in my BLACKLIST! but...easy...it is only my blacklist, actually, I still can behave to them...
(hey! look at the good side, I mean, maybe they wanted to make the lecture happy, by pretending all of the students attending the class, for respecting the lecture! what say??)

whatever major loser!:mKorek:
anything else??
hmm..I think that's enough...(actually, I don't want to share all the secret happen in the class, making my head dizzy, ups!)
well, I wanna take away from my mind: my desire about getting a good IP. once again, I don't really care about it. I wanna understand the knowledge from the lessons I get in the class. understand, not memorize. and then, when I understand, I can practice it well in my daily life, for getting job, and so on. this is the feedback for my beloved parents who have been sending me to school, until university.

I am sorry for not being a good student,
I am sorry for not caring about the IP,
sorry for loving you in the different way...

missing you...Bapak...Ibu...mas Nurman....