God, if the news is true, about the death of Osama Bin Laden, then please...take him in the best place of Yours...beside You.
You are the Only One who knows the truth...
You knows his efforts keeping Your Faith...
You saw his spirit against Your enemies, friends of the devil.
You are the Only One who knows...
He fight against the people who want to broke Your Faith
He's sincerely giving his life to show the truth,
He never minded to save Your faith
till the last of his breath...
do you watch news recently? what the news tells about?? yeah...most of its tell about the death of Osama Bin Laden. It started by the statement of the President of United States, barrack obama. He emphasized that the news is true, that Osama was killed by the special US army. when people know about this news, they were directly happy, especially Americans, who felt extremely sad and angry because of WTC tragedy in 11 September 2001.
Maybe this is the reason why people began to hate ISLAM, because they only known that the terrorist behind this tragedy was a moeslem. Then they considered ISLAM as a terrorist faith. every terror or bombardment happen in a country, they relate it to the islamic people. Islam is a wrong faith, they think. Yeah...they really hate Islam, they broke everything relating to Islam, they step on Al-Quran, they burned Al-Quran, they rape Moeslima, they made a caricature of the Prophet of Mohammed, and another defamation or harassment to wreak their disgust on Islam.
People gave strong reaction about it, especially Moeslem in around the world. So, what were you doing when the people were criticizing this case by an extremely anger demo?? you...visiting a tourism place?? crying of broken-hearted?? considering your IP?? Confusing about having no boy/girlfriend?? or Praying for this crime? as a Moeslem, and a person with a heart, how's your feeling about it?
we can't be as perfect as Prophet Mohammed, he maybe won't give reaction as strong as them. he might be calm responding to the case, though actually he's really angry about it. but they are a usual person, who can't hold the emotion well, as well as the Prophet.
Islam and terrorist...
you know what, it's all about backbiting! I hope. you've heard about the news, said that Osama and his friends were surely doing this terror, wracking the WTC building, and so on. you've heard about this in every news on TV. even moeslem hate what have been done by Osama and the people behind him. do you really believe in this news? did you really directly judge that Osama is the people behind this terror??
hmm...I think you should hear another news. please, don't just watch the news on TV, most of tv media are under American power, including media in Indonesia. they might know, but they might be too scared just to tell this truth...POOR!!!
Better you read this site...
well, actually, some people think that it's not a moeslem who wreak the WTC building, but it's American itself! they made it as if a moeslem who did this. They made it because they want the people hate Islam. they want people disgusted on Islam. they want people against Islam. cause the truth is they are really afraid of Islam. yeah...they are extremely scared about Islam. Have you ever heard that Islam will be glorious and victorious someday?? that's true. It's written in Al-Qur'an.
"Dan Allah telah berjanji kepada orang-orang yang beriman di antara kamu dan mengerjakan amal-amal yang saleh bahwa Dia sungguh-sungguh akan menjadikan mereka berkuasa dimuka bumi, sebagaimana Dia telah menjadikan orang-orang sebelum mereka berkuasa, dan sungguh Dia akan meneguhkan bagi mereka agama yang telah diridhai-Nya untuk mereka, dan Dia benar-benar akan menukar (keadaan) mereka, sesudah mereka dalam ketakutan menjadi aman sentausa. Mereka tetap menyembahku-Ku dengan tiada mempersekutukan sesuatu apapun dengan Aku. Dan barangsiapa yang (tetap) kafir sesudah (janji) itu, maka mereka itulah orang-orang yang fasik." ( Annur : 55).
see another verses here.
isn't it ridiculous huh??
they are non-Moeslem, they hate Islam, they have another faith, then why they have to be scared about one of Islamic verse, if they think that Islam is not a true faith???
eeee...jangan salah! ini masih mending, daripada calon presiden yang satunya yang katanya lebih terang2an membenci dan siap melawan islam, presiden yang sekarang...mmm...yaa sama aja sih, cuma maen belakang! hohohoho...
eh! kita ngomongin presiden yang mana tho???
yaaa...presiden Am*rika lah! walopun sebenernya sama aja, presiden yang disini sama yang disana...Ups!
haaaaasshh...sudahlah, laen crita! huhuhu
hmm...(istighfar Pit!) yayayaaaa.....
well, hmm...actually many things we think it's true, but in fact, it's wrong. when we think it's wrong, it's might be true. Hope we can have a good leader, a leader who's afraid of nothing, except Allah SWT. Amieeennn....
so, what do you think who's supposed to be died???
Only Him Who knows the truth....
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