seeing new foreigners coming from USA today, made me thinking at a glance about who they are and where they are come from,,
what is coming first on your mind when you hear about Americans?
white skin, tall, energetic, on time, curious about everything...
those are coming from person who appraise them in a positive way...
that's good, because I actually meet people talking about them badly, they just "judge the book from its cover", and I don't like it.
Cassie, Nancy, and the other two foreigners I forget the name, are great people.
they are come from eGlobal Family (eGF), an organization whose mission is to link orphaned and vulnerable children in developing countries to compassionate and responsible supporters, for further information you can visit:,,and you know...they are about 50 years old, and they are so eager to keep caring about the children. yeah, they have been trying to be a foster-parent for the children, and it is not cheap. fortunately, they don't do it alone, actually many people around the world have joined to the organization and being the foster-parents for the children. it really helps them because to pay everything the children need, needs much money. hmm.....would you like to be one of their foster-parents??
well, beside caring the children in eGF, they were also willing to have a seminar held by English Education Study Program in Campus 2 UAD. with their smile, their warmth, and the great explanation, the participants were so enthusiasm to pay attention to them, and asked more about the organization. at the end of the seminar, some of the participants came to them, maybe it was good to practice speaking English with foreigners directly! (he....lumayan...lumayan....sopo ngerti jg entuk koneksi sing biso nge'i beasiswa nggo sekolah neng luar negri! hoho)
Eh! talking about scholarship, Cassie, an English teacher from Sanata Dharma University, told us that it is so easy to get scholarship to study in abroad, you just need to be able to speak in ENGLISH, that's it no more! (so...DJSands, hee), so. let's encourage our English!
one more thing you can do to get it easily, BE A VOLUNTEER! hmmm....that's Cassie said.
volunteer for what?? everything! moreover if you serve in an organization connecting to abroad.
including being volunteer in this eGF...are you interested??
what are you waiting for???
appraise= menilai
orphan= anak panti asuhan
orphanage= panti asuhan
vulnerable= lemah
compassionate= berbelas kasih
foster-parents= orangtua asuh
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