you was a GREAT DAY!
although I had some crashes on it,,
I woke up at 6.30 a.m, early, right?? No, NO at all!
yeah, that's so early for someone who doesn't have any agenda in the morning!
but me...It's too late for me 'cause I had a schedule to have an observation in one of Muhammadiyah school, in Jogja off course. so, don't blame me if I hadn't take a dipper yet cause I prefer to come on time! huh,,
(sakjane yo tetep...tangi kawanen po ora, yoo tetep ra adus....hee)
I just brushed my teeth and a little bit made my face up.
after that.....I WAS READY TO GOOO.....!!!
arriving there, I was confused...WHERE WAS MY OTHER PPL FRIENDS??
finally I decided to go inside through the shy actually comin' late, yeah! that shouldn't be done by a teacher! being a teacher is being a good example for the students, so DON'T BE LATE guys....
hey! friends were still in a guess room discussing the classes that we can come into,,
thanks God, after waiting for a long time for the school confirmation, finally, we were allowed to research the activity in the classroom run by both the teacher and the students,,
Introducing Mu'alimmaat
well, campus took me to the Mu'alimmaat, kinda Muhammadiyah school for the girls (Mu'alimmin for the boys), but Mu'alimmaat is different from the other Muhammadiyah school. When you are studying there, it means you are living in the pesantren too (Islam) school of Koranic studies for children and young people, most of whom are boarders. so, you have to believe that the students are not so hard-commanded because they are havin' good spiritually.
it can be proven by the way they act in the classroom and treat the teacher.
one thing I know from that school is that the students are so active in the class. they are going to one chair to another while the class is running and the teacher is also still in the class watching them,, yeah that is the way the students do their work given by their teacher. although they are so noisy but they still pay attention to the assignment...hmm...GREAT!
the relationship between the students and the teacher is like a friendship, the students are so close to the teacher and not shy to ask, just behaving like always in front of the teacher. but! they still give their respect to their teacher. isn't it one thing taught by Islam, respecting others? I believe they learn so many Islamic knowledge and practicing it in their daily life.
you should see how they are so eager to study, to do the assignment. almost all students in the class compete one another in a good way in studying. when the teacher gives them works and commands them to make it done in front the classroom, every student will compete to do it. just like struggling. no thanks..haha...
that is just several knowledge of Mu'alimmaat students, there are more value I can see actually,,
but not this time, maybe when I really teach them in the 2nd PPL on June 2011...
I just wanna give my thank to the students for the warmth they gave to us...
keep smile and friendly gals...although you can't see any boy in school,,hahaha...alright, I have to say this: YOU ARE THE BEST!
warmth= kehangatan, keramahan
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