one day to go guys...

hmmm...for what??
surely, for getting 29 April 2011!

ishh...I mean, what will happen in the date???
OH...COME ON...!!! it's a Lodly Friday!

yeaaahhh....I know it's Friday! But why should it be lodly???
it's the date where Prince William and Kate will be married!

oooo.....I see!!!!!

well, that's true...
but I think I won't talk about it now.
I just wanna find him, cause actually I couldn't find him in...

wwaait! you mean Prince William is lost????!!!! bb...bbut...I am sure he is in the palace right now huh?? isn't it where he should be?? then, why should he make a trouble by getting himself lost??? oh, come on.......

well, hee....actually, I didn't really talk about Prince William...cause honestly I just wanna find a figure like him here, in Jogja Palace...hehe

do you know that the recent Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono doesn't have a son?? yeah, he just has two daughters. then, who wants to continue the government in Yogyakarta Province if Sultan doesn't even have a son?? complicated right?? I myself can't find the answer for it. what about you??

whereas, imagine that if only Sultan have a son, so the son would be a prince. Imagine if Jogja has a Prince Charming, it would be very impressive because many girls would try to get his attention. hey we stay in Jogja! Imagine if the Prince school at our university ....imagine... imagine... imagine....ouch!

hashh....WAKE UP GALS!
it's just a dream, even if Sultan would have a boy, you must already become older and older than the boy, so stop imaging about it!

uuhh...alright this is the effect of too much watching sinetron! which most of the story tells about the usual girl who got the Charming and rich boy's heart. just like Cinderella. just like Kate Midleton and Prince William. oh! one more, just take away your imagination about "Prince William" of Jogja. I think it wouldn't happen, unless you beg to Sultan that he has to adopt a Charming boy in the orphanage! ngimpi!

hmm....I know you are broken heart knowing the Real Prince William will marry Kate tomorrow...chill...everything's gonna be okay without him in your life. there will be another cinderella story (kya judul film aje...hoh) in the future, but now it's not the time to think about who's gonna be your soulmate someday....

HEY! why don't we now imagine about PRINCE HARRY????!!!!

kau ingin sekali menangis disaat kau tak bisa menangis?

yang kau butuhkan hanya satu. sendiri. jika itu tak cukup bagimu, maka pulanglah ke pangkuan orangtuamu. menangislah di bis, menangislah di kereta, menangislah di pesawat. menangislah di perjalanan. kenanglah semua masa2 yang membuatmu ingin menangis. menangislah sepenuh hatimu. tak usah kau pedulikan orang2 disekitarmu. menangislah sepuasnya. hingga kau bertemu dgn orangtuamu nanti, kau tak lagi menyisakan airmata di depan mereka. jika kau benar2 menyayangi orangtuamu, maka kumohon...jgn kau menangis di depan mereka...tersenyumlah untuk mereka.

Demi Allah...jangan biarkan mereka bersedih karenamu...
me, reporting from the cultural city of Indonesia, that Jogja yesterday really confusing at all. It's not about the road, but it's about the weather.

well, yesterday I went to some place by motorcycle with my friend. it was noon, when the sun was exactly over my head. was really really hot, I was burnin' up at the time. moreover I was fasting! I didn't really mind about the food or drink in the side of the street, but I was getting dizzy. actually I was worried about my friend, (scared that I would have a crush because of my dizzy,hihi), I'm not tellin a lie. My head was so heavy, my eyes was hard to open, my body was so weak. I was like a chicken roasted by the heat of the sun!
having a trip like that seems like you would never get to the destination soon. You spent much time riding your motorcycle without knowing when you can arrive at home. tired.
that was at the noon, I was burning. But look at the afternoon! the rain was falling down to the earth...(uuhh...bahasane...). and now I wasn't burning anymore. But look! I was caught by the rain! I have just come out from my friend's home to get some food outside...but finally, I just got the rain...

hmm...BUt that wasn't totally miserable, cause actually I love the rain! and long time not feeling and touching the rain directly...
well, that's the weather in Jogja now, making us confused, sometimes we prepare an umbrella but who knows it'll be shining then. so, better if you prepare a sunblock too beside the umbrella....

so, what weather won this case??

"apa harapanmu di umur ini?"

begitulah kira2 pertanyaan yang datang lewat sms tadi pagi. sms itu datang ketika perasaanku tidak karuan. aku bahkan tidak tahu harus berbuat apa di hari ulang tahunku ini. apakah harus aku yang memulai merayakannya? apakah aku yang harus menyiapkan segalanya? aku bingung. aku hanya tidur-tiduran di kamar yang ku kunci, dan aku mulai menangis.

sungguh, ketika aku menangis pun aku tak tahu hal apa yang sedang kutangiskan. otakku terlalu lelah untuk berpikir mencari penyebabnya. sampai pada waktunya aku merasakan ada yang hilang. ada yang tidak sesuai dengan yang kuharapkan disini.

menurutmu, apa yang akan kamu lakukan jika salah satu teman dekatmu berulang tahun??
apakah kamu akan menyiapkan kado untuknya?
apakah kamu akan menulis kata2 indah sebagai ucapan untuk ulang tahunnya?
atau apakah kamu akan berdoa untuk kebaikan temanmu?

sungguh, aku tidak berpikir bahwa hal itu adalah hal utama yang harus kamu lakukan untuk temanmu. mungkin ada beberapa teman yang sangat puas dan senang dengan hal-hal itu. tapi tidak bagiku. aku benar-benar tidak berharap akan mendapatkan hal2 semacam itu di ulang tahunku, tidak. aku hanya butuh teman dan waktu...hanya itu...

lihat?? bisakah kau hitung berapa banyak anak dalam gambar ini? 1..2..3..4..5..6...benar2 pas sekali! hanya inilah yang kubutuhkan di ulang tahunku ini. Bukan, salah jika kau menilai aku mengharapkan kue ulang tahun dari teman2ku. aku juga tidak butuh properti ulang tahun seperti ini, topi, balon, pita, dll. (walaupun aku tahu hal2 demikian bisa membuat ulang tahunku menjadi lebih indah). lihatlah baik2, betapa si anak sangat senang dengan perayaan ulang tahunnya, walaupun hanya dengan perayaan yang sederhana, dan hanya lima orang temannya yang datang memberikan kejutan. lalu kenapa si anak sangat senang? karena mungkin mereka bukan sekedar temannya, mereka bisa jadi sahabat baiknya, atau mungkin mereka adalah sebuah keluarga yang telah tinggal satu atap bersama. jika benar yang terakhir, maka sekarang aku tidak heran jika si anak sangatlah senang, karena jelas sekali kelima teman2nya itu adalah orang2 yang berharga untuk si anak.

tengoklah aku, yang pada saat itu masih terkapar di kamar, semakin menangis setelah menemukan sesuatu yang hilang itu. aku berpikir aku telah memulai hariku dengan awal yang buruk. sangat buruk. betapa perasaanku sangat sakit. betapa pikiranku sangat kacau. aku ingin sekali pulang. pulang ke rumah.

aku selalu senang jika bisa merayakan ulang tahunku di rumah. Orangtuaku, terutama ibuku selalu memberikan perhatian yang lebih padaku dibandingkan dengan hari2 biasanya. aku senang kami sekeluarga bisa melewatkan makan pagi, siang, malam bersama2. aku sangat bersyukur dengan hal itu. sesuatu yang jarang sekali kutemui pada keluarga yang lain.

tidak mungkin. hal itu tak mungkin kudapatkan di ulang tahunku yang ke 21 ini.

ketika malam datang, aku semakin putus asa karena aku belum juga mendapatkan hal yang berkesan di hari ulang tahunku ini. aku tak mau hari ini berjalan biasa saja (walaupun sebenarnya aku bukan tipe orang yang memandang penting sebuah hari ulang tahun). aku tahu, aku tidak bisa mengandalkan mereka .apa boleh buat, aku lalu mengajak 2 teman dekatku untuk pergi keluar denganku. alasan sebenarnya adalah aku tidak mau lagi terkurung di kamar sementara mereka berkegiatan tanpaku. sungguh aku benar2 tak mau. itu akan sangat menyakitkan dan membuatku menangis lagi.

walau akhirnya hanya satu orang yang bisa menemaniku, tapi aku sungguh sangat menikmati malam ini. makan berdua. maen berdua. ngobrol dari hati ke hati. maafkan aku sebelumnya karena mungkin aku menjadikanmu pelarianku atas ketidakinginanku berada di rumah. bukankah itu gunanya teman? ^_^

ketika ditanya "apa harapanmu di umur ini?"
saat itu aku benar2 tidak bisa menjawab. bahkan harapanku di ulang tahunku ini belum sempat kupikirkan. yang kupikirkan hanyalah mereka.
dimana teman2ku?
dimana teman2ku?
dimana teman2ku?
dimana teman2ku?
"gimana hari ini? hari bumi."
kujawab, aku gk mau mengingat hari ini

you know, this is really my B'day -- my Brokenday......

thank you...

facebook search: Norman Kamaru

(wew, ada cuy!)
(eh, ada 2 mutual friendnya juga!)
(gileeeeeee.....temennya dah banyak banget!)
(beneran punya briptu bukan yaa??)
(beeuuuuuhhh, gk bisa liat wallnya kiy!)
(ah, gak ada pilihan lain!)

Norman Kamaru  +1 Add as Friend
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apakah akan selalu seperti ini?
salahkah aku jika mengharapkan lebih?
tapi, siapakah aku dimatamu?
dimata kalian?
aku ingin tahu...
semoga ini hanyalah sebuah prasangka,
bahwa mungkin hanya ini lah yang pantas kudapatkan,
tapi bolehkah aku mendapatkan yang lain?
aku ingin sekali bertemu dengan orang sepertiku,
mungkin aku bisa menemukannya di lapangan badminton,
di tepi pantai,
di tengah hujan,
di tepi sawah,
atau aku bisa menemukannya saat dia sedang bersepeda,
atau sedang memotret sekitar,
atau membaca novel,
atau memakai headset mendengarkan musik,
dialah yang mungkin kucari,
karena dia sendiri...

- terima kasih telah membuatku merasa berbeda, and useless -
Ketika inginkan pergi,
apakah juga inginkan berpisah?
apakah salah ketika ilalang mencoba mencari sebuah tumpuan 'tuk melambaikan keindahannya?
karena tak sebenarnya yang dipandang indah akan benar-benar indah pada waktunya...
sungguh kekasihNya pun tak pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi pada semua umatnya,
lalu kenapa ragu untuk melangkah menuju sebuah keindahan?
mungkin akan sunyi, mungkin akan aneh menjalaninya,
tapi yakinlah...keyakinanlah yang membuat semua tampak jelas,
Seperti ilalang yang sebenarnya tak tahu apakah dia terbang menuju tumpuan yang benar...
karena sesungguhnya anginNya lah yang membuat keyakinannya tampak,
dan sungguh,
ketika ingin pergi,
dia belum tentu ingin berpisah...
Kini, siapakah yang merasa kehilangan?

- untuknya, yang masih diliputi keraguan -
well, last time I have shared to you about the wonderful of Kukup Beach. Now, I wanna share about a beach too. It's about the furthest beach in Jogja from the capital city of Jogja. whuuuuuu......first time I went there, it was like we would never arrive to the beach! just imagine,  I could feel my body broken because I was riding the motorcycle actually. so tireeeeedddd....!!!
FYI, Krakal beach is one of a series of beaches along the white sand beach in Wonosari. means that Krakal is not far away from Kukup Beach??? hmmm....I don't think so, though they are close each other, you still need to take in almost one hour long trip from Kukup to Krakal. Nevertheless, Krakal is never quiet from the visitors....hoho

My Cute Sandal! hehe

So melloww...
 Eit, although last time I consider Kukup as the most beach in Jogja, Krakal still has something unique which can make it different to another beach in Jogja. so...what are the differences??

well, Krakal has a long shoreline, it makes you possible to go further to the sea without making you sink. But be careful actually, because the wave is strong enough. You should be careful too when you step on the shore, it contains of slick rock. Fortunately, it allows you to see many beautiful scallops there! I myself is always interested in that thing. last time my friend wanted me to bring some scallops for her aquarium, and I was confused how much scallops I could bring, cause I found many unique scallops there! hoho....

I took these scallops....not yet finished!
It was raining when I went to there lately, and it was not holiday. But there were many people visiting this beach (they're just covering themselves from the rain,,hihi...). when the rain started to stop, all people were happy and started to go to the sea again...hmmm...playing water is always fun right??
It was noisy and crowded actually...
Taking picture is never die!

anyway, for you who will visit this beach, better you go in the early morning, considering about how long the way it is, and make sure that the weather is shiny enough, so you can see the beach blue....ok??
kemarin tu ada yang komplain, akhir2 ni blogku kok isinya informasi2 smua, cerita sehari2nya mana?? huft...jadi gini ya cuy, sakjane aku yo kaku juga nulis nganggo bahasa inggris trs, pengene yo santai kyo ngene, tapi nulis nganngo bahasa inggris ki salah siji tuntutan untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa inggrisku yang kurang, maklum ja ya...iya...iya...aku pasti akan menulis memakai bahasa nasional kita, kalo perlu bahasa lokal yo ra po2, nek ora yo campur2 kyo ngene...haaa...(iyo e, baru nyadar kalo bahasanya dari tadi nggado2 gak genah...hee...)
eh, kyaknya lum jwab pertanyaan yg pertama deh! ok, jadi gini cuy, sadako tu lum balik, masih dipinjem ma temen. aku ya males aja kalo nulis cerita2ku tanpa menyisipkan foto2 yang kuambil dari sadako...oh ya! sadako ki jeneng camdigku cuy, kok bisa namanya sadako?? nah sadako ki singkatan lho, kepanjangan dari...
>> SAturday k*DAK Ongono tho... <<
Saturday >> hari pembelian
k*dak >> merknya
O >> ngono tho...

krik krik krik...
emang agak maksa c, aaahhh gondes lah....malah ngomongi sadako.....tar ada penjelasannya tersendiri kok tentang barang2 super berhargaku (mo dihargai berapa hah??)..

ok, cukup jelas kan?? so, wat para penikmat2 blogku, jangan sedih dan jangan kecewa, nurmione pasti akan kembali dengan cerita2 lain yang lebih seru dan menggiurkan! ( kira bekicot, menggiurkan??glek!) LEP! TLING!
Jogja is a paradise for beach lovers??? yeah, that's totally right at all! when I talk about beach in Jogja, please don't just imagine about Parangtritis Beach which many people think that it is the most famous and beautiful beach in Jogja. It is famous, but you know guys, people thought wrong, I think. I myself prefer consider another beach which has the more beautiful view than Parangtritis. it is.........introducing: KUKUP BEACH...........!!!!

Kukup Beach???
huum, have you never heard about it before?? alright, here I wanna introduce to you the most wonderful beach I ever seen (even more beautiful than Tanah Lot, hehe)....well, Kukup Beach is really really far away from Jogja town. It is located in Wonosari Regency. From Jogja, you need about 2 hours to get there, moreover you will pass the winding road which always crowded by the vehicles. Then, you must be careful guys.

So, what can we get in Kukup Beach??
First, Kukup Beach shows us the amazing view of the sea. The sea is sooo blue. The strong wind never stop to blow the wave strongly, make a wonderful sound of the sea when the wave hits the reef..Blaaaaarrrrr....(NB: this is not thunder sound lhoo....huhu). Hwaaaa....sometimes you must feel the sensation of the sprinkling of the water! another thing you must do is that you should try to listen carefully to the sound of wave, feel the wind greets you, and inhale the smell of salty sea....haaaaa.....I am really imagining it so deep, quiet, and calm...
see?? so calm....
well, that's the first point, the second point which makes this beach beautiful is about the hill around the sea. It's all green guys! really makes me fresh! the combination of the blue sea, the blue sky, and the green hill itself is REALLY PERFECT! you can also consider the white sands as the other thing which never be separated in the reason why this beach becomes AWESOME!

Last but not least, Kukup Beach has a cottage overlooking the sea! this is make the people say that Kukup is Tanah Lot of Jogja...(it's just more beautiful, hehe...). Because the cottage is not really wide, I always prefer to go around the cottage, sitting in some stone there, or sometimes trying to pass the fence in order to be closer to the sea...though it made me scared enough...hehe...Kukup has the bridge connected to the cottage which allows you to hear the waves hitting the coral stone clearly, plus feeling the move of the air and the smell of the sea...hmmm...just close your eyes, and feel the rhythm slowly....... .
Can't u see the cottage??
Getting closer to the sea...
Sitting here and feel the air...
FYI, although many people bathing in the sea, I think Kukup is not the place beach to take a bath. Yeah, almost all of the white-sand beach is not appropriate for taking bath. That's because the water is salty, makes our eyes sore. we don't want to drink the water also, huh?? But, tetap saja....taking bath there still made us fun! hehe....
well, that's all my explanation about the wonderful of Kukup Beach. my trip getting here was not vain. Although I was tired in that long trip, the view over the Kukup Beach just made my tiredness disappeared! Yeah....but I thought I don't want to come back again considering about the long way home...hhe,,

Happy Holiday!
it is Sunday today, what activity do you have today??
well, when you are in Jogja now, you should have time to visit Taman Sari. It is actually a complex of Yogyakarta Palace which contains of some buildings there. Inside the buildings, you will find a pool. some years ago, it was used as bathing pool for the princess, and now, you are restricted to touch the water and play the water. the buildings looks so old, you can see from the walls and the woods which has already been peel and porous. But, those are the things which make Taman Sari beautiful and ancient.

Taman Sari is next to Kraton Ngayogyakarta, and it is about 500m from the famous Malioboro Street and Bringharjo Market. You only need to pay about Rp 3.000,- to enter the building. cheap right?? Yeah, you may also take best pictures there because every corner of Taman Sari has a uniqueness. check my photos here....
Welcome to Taman Sari
the old door
the pool can be seen from here...
what a beautiful ancient place to take a picture!

nah, those are just few pictures I took with my friends inside Taman Sari. Although it was raining at the time, the visitors kept walking around this area. I met some foreigners who were really interested to know this place. With an umbrella, they were seriously paying attention to the guide. My friend and I actually wanted to know more about this place by listening to the guide's explanation too ( guide service! hoho).

You know what, I got some information about this place. Actually, it was so often here that people surrounding Taman Sari heard mysterious voices in the night. Sometimes they heard Gamelan Sound (Javanese Traditional music), or sometimes heard a cart and the horses. whuuuu.....made me feel scared suddenly. moreover when I passed the dark alley inside this place. hiiiiyyy...I didn't want to pass it alone! Btw, I myself never hear about it before, but I can feel 'something' here. Yeah, the place gave me different and cold atmosphere, so silent here, just made me comfort and fresh, it wasn't noisy like the other tourism place.

FYI, outside Taman Sari, you can visit the other ancient building near Taman Sari. This building is not complete anymore, it was because of the time and might be the earthquake happened in Jogja before. anyway, here you can see the view from the top of the building. But, be careful, the wind was so strong (not appropriate for thin person! But, last time I went there, we were banned to go up to the top because the doors were locked. I thought it was dangerous anymore for us to go up further.
hey, it's the building! can you see it??

just till as this high...
before restricted, you can go up higher
all in all, Taman Sari is still becoming an appropriate tourism place to visit in Jogja. this place contains of a pure Jogjanese historical buildings. The societies are pure Jogjanese people. the combination between the place and the societies show us the real Jogja. It's comfort, natural, friendly, fresh, and clean. this place has  ever been the location for making some movies. So, don't be confused anymore to visit this place guys!

"...Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chal Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya Chaiyya...."

that is just few lyrics coming from one of the most famous songs of Bollywood, India.
I am sure not all of people in this world know this song well, but now it has been just being the most famous song in Indonesia defeating the songs coming from Indonesia itself.
so, why do this song becomes famous in Indonesia??
well, I think Indian people must give thank to Briptu Norman Camaru, a police from Gorontalo, for bringing up that Indian song becomes OUTSTANDING in Indonesia!!

Briptu Norman Camaru

yeah! Briptu Norman is not only the man who makes this song FAMOUS, but he also becomes THE MOST FAMOUS person in Indonesia right now!
that was because of the video he uploaded in which shows him singing lip-sync of chaiya chaiya. with his attractive move singing this song, doing it just like Shah Rukh Khan do, Briptu Norman is like an actor of Bollywood movie who is be able to sing and dance Indian well! can't imagine the way he imitated Shah Rukh Khan dances in the video of Chaiya Chaiya. you know guys, his lip-sync and body language were so PERFECT!, just like he knows the meaning of the song itself! can you do that guys??? well, I think only the man with the great devotion who can do like him...
Briptu Norman's Lip-sync video

ouch! I think I will never be bored watching his video!

I just like the way he sings that song, moreover he was wearing police uniform when he was singing that song! it was really ridiculous in Indonesia because that situation never happened in Indonesia before!

now, Briptu Norman are so busy performing in every TV channel in Indonesia. before he went to Jakarta, he was invited by the Governor of Gorontalo to sing Indian songs in front of him. In fact, some people thought that Briptu Norman would be punished by his boss for doing it and uploading it in, but actually his boss just punished him to amuse in front of his friends in the police. yeah! truly, he has been becoming local artist in Gorontalo before he becomes famous in Indonesia, so no wonder, his friends were not really surprised of his act.

Life is unpredictable...
who would have thought that he would become the influential people in Indonesia. he brings the police's image becomes good and accepted by the societies. he shows that a police is just like the other people, having idol or creativity, and so on.

I just hope that he will always have modesty, friendly, and simplicity in his life though his life will be different from his before...

keep being yourself!

If taken literally, reality-based education is education that refers to the fact that occur within the scope of such education. This means that anything that is available in it, would be better if utilized to the fullest. "Whatever" here of course includes many things, like the education process that can not be separated from the educational components that include the subject of education, educational objects, as well as facilities and infrastructure?

Let's examine one by one. Given a little about the state of education in Indonesia, we will find at least a lot of schools and universities that are competing to add some facilities to support their teaching and learning process. Finally, the school would not hesitate to burden the student by adding fees to them. The device is the school thinking that this is normal, look at other schools, even they think that increasing the amount of administrative costs is not the worst compared with the other. Meanwhile, on the part of students, school fees are passed over onto them is quite expensive. From here we can also very common for a lot of Indonesian people who are not educated to the fullest. If you have this, what would their response about the rumors that said that "education is only for people with money", or "education is a business"?

Now we continue with a question. Is the growing number of school administrative costs, the quality of the teaching staff will also be increasing? In a teaching-learning process, teachers or teacher plays a very important for the achievement of the educational process. The teachers are really qualified would have a precise strategy to deal with students who have the talent and level of intelligence that is different. Submission of material without practice is like the Adam without the Eve. Zero! Material less, practice more. With practice, students will experience, and through all five senses experience they will work optimally. This ensures they are to keep in mind the core material from which they had learned earlier. "Experience is the best teacher." Agree?

After discussing some issues on education, would be better if we link between expectations and reality of the education process in Indonesia. Has the reality of our education in line with expectations? The best answer may not be, because indeed our hope is for the purpose of education can be achieved. And when examined more deeply, the main purpose of education is that students are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and the skills needed themselves and society. When viewed from the aim, the educational process will not be separated from the synergy between schools, families, and society. So far, the three elements is not running correctly. This was proved by still many students who drowned in drugs, sex, and the brawl at a great cost.

Talking about the problems of education in Indonesia is not going to be endless. But need to remember is that we do not have to chase success in other schools if it is still a lot of resources not fully utilized in the school itself. Comparative studies are necessary, but more important is to focus on the object of education is the students themselves. The name of a school or university is not judged by the magnificent school buildings, nor of the high cost of administration, or any number of students, but visits from the school and the university's ability to print a graduate of a strong faith, morals, and excellent performance that is ready to plunge in the community.


Suryabrata, Sumadi. Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada, 1995.

Monroe, W. S. The theory of educational measurement. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1928.