"eh, Puteri Indonesia yang sekarang tu gak bisa ngomong pake bahasa Indonesia ya??"
yeah, itu adalah pertanyaan dari salah satu temanku yang kemudian menjadi bahan obrolan kami kemaren malam. Setauku sih Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames emang agak sulit ngomong pake bahasa indonesia, tapi itu dulu waktu dia maen sinetron bareng Samuel Zylgwyn, tapi kalo sekarang sih gak tau. Sebenernya kemaren aku juga sempet liat pemilihan Puteri Indonesia, tapi kayaknya sih dia lebih sering ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris ketimbang pake bahasa Indonesia. saat menjawab pertanyaan juri pake bahasa Indonesia, dia juga terlihat belibet ngomongnya. hmmm...menurutmu wajar gak sih kalo seorang Puteri Indonesia gak bisa ngomong pake bahasa nasionalnya sendiri??
agak ironis sih memang...
tapi jurinya beralasan kalo sebenernya mereka gak mau kejadian Miss Universe sebelumnya terulang lagi (bahasaku angel bgt yo??). jadi gini, puteri Indonesia sebelum Nadine Alexandra, yaitu mbak Qory Sandioriva (bener ra yo jenenge?? leeehh salahe nggawe jeneng angel banget), dia sedikit mempermalukan Indonesia gara2 gak sa ngomong bahasa Inggris dengan lancar, gile ajee luu...ajang internasional masih gak sa ngomong pake bahasa inggris dengan lancaaarr....begitulah kira2. So, diharapkan puteri Indonesia kali itu, bisa ngomong bahasa bule dengan lancar, dan terpiliiihlaaaahhh...Mbak..eh Dek Nadine Alexandra....(umurnye ru mo 20 bulan Mei tar cuuuyy...).
jadi bingung nih, sebenernya seorang Puteri Indonesia harus lebih megutamakan yang mana?? mengenalkan Bahasa Indonesia ke luar, atau menguasai bahasa luar???
well, ewellewell...mending ngomong pake bahasa NGAPAK yok cuuuuyyy...!!!
About NGAPAKese...
anyway, Ngapak is one of Javanese Dialects. Javanese itself has many dialects spread in Java, such as, Krama (krama ngoko, alus, inggil), Jogja java, Solo java, etc, including Ngapak itself. I myself still confused to distinguish which is the original Ngapak because actually some people talk using Ngapak in the different way. for example, people from Tegal town use Ngapak which more accentuation than people from Kebumen, Wonosobo, or Pemalang. same as people from Banjarnegara, which almost all of the pronounce end in 'a', in fact, Jogja java always pronounce in '0' though the word ends in a.
sopo - sapa (siapa/who)
sego - sega (nasi/rice)
dino - dina (hari/day)
well, because I lack of my linguistic knowledge, so I don't wanna talk more about Ngapak from the linguistic aspect. he...(daripada tar malah menyesatkan, ya tho??tho yaa...). Let's talk about Ngapak from the social aspect yoookk....
actually, Jogja now consists of many people from Ngapak town, Tegal, Pemalang, Brebes, Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, and Kebumen, (adakah yang belum disebutkan??), but it's so several people who use ngapak here. yeah, many people decided to hide their Ngapak and prefer to speak Bahasa Indonesia to their friends. they are maybe shy to speak Ngapak. That's because Ngapak is a funny dialect, people think. it's really strange and tend to be ridiculous in the ears when people listen to the Ngapak dialect. Compared to Jogja java, Ngapak is weirder to listen.
haiiisshh...I think it's subjective and common. Chinese think that their dialect is okay, but when I listen to their dialect, it seems so weird and make me laugh honestly. who know another people think that our Indonesian dialect is also weird in their ears, right?? why don't we forget about our shyness to speak Ngapak?? hey! there is nothing wrong when we use Ngapak well, it is different from when we use rough word then we are supposed to be shy because of it!
I have some friends who have Ngapak dialect strongly. even when they speak Bahasa Indonesia, their dialect is still ngapak. yeah, it IS funny, but I think it is amusing, interesting, and becomes special. it's really totally extremely stupid when someone hates another people because of speaking Ngapak. hey, it's all about the diversity in our Nation which has to be kept, okay???!! (daripada tar diklaim ma yang lain, hayooo???)
yeah, itu adalah pertanyaan dari salah satu temanku yang kemudian menjadi bahan obrolan kami kemaren malam. Setauku sih Nadine Alexandra Dewi Ames emang agak sulit ngomong pake bahasa indonesia, tapi itu dulu waktu dia maen sinetron bareng Samuel Zylgwyn, tapi kalo sekarang sih gak tau. Sebenernya kemaren aku juga sempet liat pemilihan Puteri Indonesia, tapi kayaknya sih dia lebih sering ngomong pake Bahasa Inggris ketimbang pake bahasa Indonesia. saat menjawab pertanyaan juri pake bahasa Indonesia, dia juga terlihat belibet ngomongnya. hmmm...menurutmu wajar gak sih kalo seorang Puteri Indonesia gak bisa ngomong pake bahasa nasionalnya sendiri??
agak ironis sih memang...
tapi jurinya beralasan kalo sebenernya mereka gak mau kejadian Miss Universe sebelumnya terulang lagi (bahasaku angel bgt yo??). jadi gini, puteri Indonesia sebelum Nadine Alexandra, yaitu mbak Qory Sandioriva (bener ra yo jenenge?? leeehh salahe nggawe jeneng angel banget), dia sedikit mempermalukan Indonesia gara2 gak sa ngomong bahasa Inggris dengan lancar, gile ajee luu...ajang internasional masih gak sa ngomong pake bahasa inggris dengan lancaaarr....begitulah kira2. So, diharapkan puteri Indonesia kali itu, bisa ngomong bahasa bule dengan lancar, dan terpiliiihlaaaahhh...Mbak..eh Dek Nadine Alexandra....(umurnye ru mo 20 bulan Mei tar cuuuyy...).
jadi bingung nih, sebenernya seorang Puteri Indonesia harus lebih megutamakan yang mana?? mengenalkan Bahasa Indonesia ke luar, atau menguasai bahasa luar???
well, ewellewell...mending ngomong pake bahasa NGAPAK yok cuuuuyyy...!!!
About NGAPAKese...
anyway, Ngapak is one of Javanese Dialects. Javanese itself has many dialects spread in Java, such as, Krama (krama ngoko, alus, inggil), Jogja java, Solo java, etc, including Ngapak itself. I myself still confused to distinguish which is the original Ngapak because actually some people talk using Ngapak in the different way. for example, people from Tegal town use Ngapak which more accentuation than people from Kebumen, Wonosobo, or Pemalang. same as people from Banjarnegara, which almost all of the pronounce end in 'a', in fact, Jogja java always pronounce in '0' though the word ends in a.
sopo - sapa (siapa/who)
sego - sega (nasi/rice)
dino - dina (hari/day)
well, because I lack of my linguistic knowledge, so I don't wanna talk more about Ngapak from the linguistic aspect. he...(daripada tar malah menyesatkan, ya tho??tho yaa...). Let's talk about Ngapak from the social aspect yoookk....
actually, Jogja now consists of many people from Ngapak town, Tegal, Pemalang, Brebes, Wonosobo, Banjarnegara, and Kebumen, (adakah yang belum disebutkan??), but it's so several people who use ngapak here. yeah, many people decided to hide their Ngapak and prefer to speak Bahasa Indonesia to their friends. they are maybe shy to speak Ngapak. That's because Ngapak is a funny dialect, people think. it's really strange and tend to be ridiculous in the ears when people listen to the Ngapak dialect. Compared to Jogja java, Ngapak is weirder to listen.
haiiisshh...I think it's subjective and common. Chinese think that their dialect is okay, but when I listen to their dialect, it seems so weird and make me laugh honestly. who know another people think that our Indonesian dialect is also weird in their ears, right?? why don't we forget about our shyness to speak Ngapak?? hey! there is nothing wrong when we use Ngapak well, it is different from when we use rough word then we are supposed to be shy because of it!
I have some friends who have Ngapak dialect strongly. even when they speak Bahasa Indonesia, their dialect is still ngapak. yeah, it IS funny, but I think it is amusing, interesting, and becomes special. it's really totally extremely stupid when someone hates another people because of speaking Ngapak. hey, it's all about the diversity in our Nation which has to be kept, okay???!! (daripada tar diklaim ma yang lain, hayooo???)
(deneng kadi puteri indonesia tekane ngapak???)
weleh, sapa sing diomongke kuwe rek? suami ngapakmu yah?? hahaha....
pancen lewih enteng ngomong nganggo basane dhewek... ora sah mawih njaluk ngapura karo pak a**s. lho???
jempolan lah pokomen sing jenenge ngapak Language...
wes lah sememe baen, bingung arep ngomong apa maning....
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